Wednesday, 2 September 2015

What would you consider a good investment?

Today's Chainman Banner brought to you by the marvels of this cosmos including Scrapbook: a story of art - hardcover Kickstarter officially 30% funded!

Bring up the word "investment" with potential patrons quickly jumps to talk of the financial, but like Gilda once observed, "your thought associations are very revealing" and for my family this project isn't about the money. It is about laying a foundation for the care and preservation of the art and culture we love.

The artists we collaborate with all know how to work with what they have on hand. For example Scrapbook was crafted with nothing but the tools we had combined with a lifetime of memories that truly would have served no other purpose but to collect dust.

It just natural for artists to record and reflect their world as it changes and in this capacity Scrapbook is priceless - encapsulating more than 75 years of art and history within its 456 full-colour pages.

If art then is based on the ephemeral or intangible, why are return on investment calculations for art almost always based on a financial reward?

I guess I'm just a maverick in this sense, but my existence has been all about taking the action figures out of the boxes, comics out of their sleeves, collectible cards out of their packages and actually playing with them.

Is there no joy left to be found in simply experiencing a work of creativity?

Especially a purely original and inspiring story?

Well if not - consider this - for just $169 you can own a luxurious signed limited hardbound edition of Scrapbook: a story of art which literally contains more art per square inch than any previous Jack Whyte work - if that's not the very definition of a great investment I don't know what is!


Note : Found this definition of "fine art" on Reddit - Great Works of Art - Fine art for our subreddit will be defined as "Visual art considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness; specifically painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, graphics, and architecture."

One of the finest works of art that you are ever likely to encounter - Scrapbook: a story of art contains all that and much, much, much more!

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