Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Scrapbook: a story of art continues... Part III

Hi B - Unexpectedly received a box of old art slides yesterday - was this the painting you mentioned remembering?



Hi Jack,

I have been away but came back to  your charming pocket art. I really love it and have it sitting on my coffee table .... so thank you! 

Looking at "Granny" brings me way back and the painting looks much like I remember it except in my memory she is wearing a blue dress with white polka dots and her flesh tones were more realistic. Perhaps we did the painting together and I added what I wanted. I wonder where she is now.

On a different note, I emailed a friend at the Arts Council. She has often seen the Generals at my home. If she has any suggestions for funding for your project I will let you know.

Hopefully you are enjoying your summer.



B - Hope you're having great summer. Glad that you like Pocket Art - an idea I originally created back in the 70s as personal gifts - revised to gauge the response of today's market. We have been selling some at the shop, but isn't it funny how people can be reluctant to look at something new?

About Granny - the slides we received were an unusual circumstance with colours somewhat faded from the original - her fate remains unknown.

Our Scrapbook hardcover campaign still has a couple of weeks on Kickstarter and has been gaining support - as always we appreciate any assistance and are grateful for any insight we receive.




I asked a friend who used to be the community access person for the Ontario Arts Council about funding and am forwarding her reply which regrettably is not too helpful.


> Date: August 25, 2015 at 8:23:16 
> Unfortunately there is no funding that I know of for such a project. I would recommend 
> that he contact Visual Arts Ontario and ‎ask what they suggest. Also if he has worked 
> with a public gallery over the years or a curator they could help.
> Finally, if a university is willing and able to take his archives that would help.
> It is a huge issue but hopefully he has worked with some consistent people over the
> years.
> Not sure this helps.


Original Post - July 5th, 2015 - "I would like to share an amazing story with you..."
Continued - July -23rd, 2015 -  "The story continues to unfold...

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