Yesterday a friend shared their experience of visiting this wonderland...
Here's my Jack Whyte story: Many years ago, when I stopped by Jack's house for a visit, a question...not sure what, I noticed his "tiled" kitchen floor. Jack had cut and glued down paper in 12" squares for his floor. I really liked the idea and the effect, so I asked him how he did it. I had recently bought a house and needed to finish a couple of the bedroom floors. So my sons and I collected all sorts of posters, National Geographic pictures, maps, and Bridgehead calendar pictures...all ones they liked because I was going to do the floor for Lucas and Graham's room. They helped me decide where to put what, and I got down on my hands and knees for a few hours here and there, laying things out. Once I'd glued the pictures in place and varathaned the whole thing several times, we were happily amazed at how it looked! We didn't want to put furniture in there and cover any of it...but of course we did. We got many, many compliments on that interesting, unique floor. I always gave credit to Jack for inspiring me.
Kate Thompson
This version of the Jack Whyte introduction has been queued to a pan of the original floor in question just before it's inevitable destruction.
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