Friday, 2 January 2015

Ever had a hard time not giving a fuck?

Long time readers know that this blog is dedicated to learning of all kinds. This includes one of my favorite topics; positive personal development and motivation.

Today fellow spec fic author and creator of many real and honest stories, Aldan Tan, has agreed to be interviewed for Diary of a Chainman with his no bullshit insights for a happier life.

Q. Who are you?

A. Yo, my name is Alden Tan, and I’m a passionate Bboy and writer all the way from Singapore.

Q. Where are you from?

A. Singapore!

Q. What is your product?

A. Right now I`ve got a new mini-course, 100 Days of No-Bullshit Happiness!

Q. What makes you laugh?

A. Daring jokes. And extremely lame puns.

Q. What is something most people don’t know about you?

A. I’ve never smoked before in my entire life. People think I do because of the friends I hang out with.

Q. What are you working on right now?

A. On a new marketing campaign to bring my blog up to the next level.

Q. If there is no other side, why did the chicken cross the road?

A. He’s high as fuck.

Q. How did you get started?

A. Did the whole, “Quit my job to follow a dream” thing. Jumped in 3 years ago. And started writing my heart out. Took a lot of struggle though!

Q. What advice do you have for anyone who wishes to follow in your footsteps?

A. Invest in yourself early. Get a proper mentor or coaching program to learn the ropes. Minimize the learning curve.

Q. What is one thing you would rid the world of?

A. Rapists. They’re worse than murders if you ask me.

Q. What is the best question you have ever been asked?

A. “Do you want to come in?” by my then-soon-to-be-girlfriend.

Thanks again Aldan! If you’re interested in doing a mini-interview to promote yourself, product and/or service feel free to drop me a line

Quote of the Day : Mama always said life was like a big box of go fuck yourself!

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