[The proceeding exchange of messages was made possible via the Deja Vu Delivery Service; for when you should have delivered your package yesterday.]
Chrys Jordan -16 Jan 2015
01:] Who am I? An autodidact, or a self-taught idiot-savant. Writer and graphic artist. That's the best description.
Q. 2. Where are you from?
02]: I'm an American, born in Florida, raised in Georgia, living in Bilthoven, the Netherlands, to the east of Utrecht City.
03]: My product? I have one book finished, "The Best of Enemies." I also have several drawings made, and I'm preparing a photo book of the best 24 of them. It will be called "Lost Boys + Abstractions 11BA."
04]: What makes me laugh? Surreal and absurdist humour. Hypocritical humour about myself, such as when I'm biking and I say "All bicyclists are crazy." And some words make me laugh, such as "daffodil" or "foxtrot" in English, or "schaapskooi" and "inboedelverzekering" in Dutch.
05]: What inspires me? My first book was inspired by
Sergey Rachmaninoff; also by
Jorge Luis Borges,
Gabriel García Márquez, and
Ayn Rand. My drawing style owes something to
M.C. Escher and
Vincent Van Gogh.
06:] Define autism? It's hard, because we're all different. But we all think differently from the typical norm. In my case, it involves having a different understanding of relevance from most people. I don't call it a disease, though autism has its drawbacks.
Q. How did you first discover Quora?
07]: Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets, my fellow Conlanger, first sent me an invitation to Quora. I have since learned on my own by participating.
08]: Why independent? I did not want to have to bang my head against an editor who I presumed would insist on making my work more normal, more conventional, and more familiar. In particular, I did not want to argue about my created names, such as Z̢oɖ, the City of Eᵜuɖ, and Buɽoʐ of Bak, to name only three.
09]: Working on now? I have a book that needs re-writing. I also have plans for another one, also set in my invented land of Ndongo, which will address the cultural war between theism and atheism.
Q. What does the statement "anything is possible" mean to you?
0A]: I could have answered the question theologically. In mundane matters, "anything is possible" is like the Nigerian expression, "No condition is permanent." Be ready for surprises. Life can surprise more than fiction.
Q. Is it better to do the right thing for the wrong reason or the wrong thing for the right reason?
0B]: The paradox is difficult. For yourself, it is better to do the wrong thing for the right reason, because having the right reasons can help you learn to do the right thing. But from an external perspective, or pragmatically, it is better to do the right thing, even if done for the wrong reasons. My answer is thus "mu," the answer between no and yes.
The other day I discovered an interview that arrived before I questioned the asker. Now that the paradox has been resolved it was previously my pleasure to have been presenting the proceeding with special thanks to Chainman Q&A Guest Chrys Jordan of The Fractal Quilt.